Pellowah Healing

Sundara Yoga Shala, 22 Glady Ave, Caboolture, Qld 4510

Pellowah is an Angelic word for “radical shift in consciousness”.  This form of healing connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation.  It also unblocks and realigns all meridians within the body giving a feeling of connection and well being.  As the name suggests, it also results in a radical shift in consciousness.

Pellowah can be used in absent healing and can also be used to heal pets and plants.

In many other forms of healing, subsequent results of the change and growth can be cathartic as old frameworks are broken down to create new ones.  This is not the case with Pellowah.  The growth and change brought about by Pellowah help a person build on their old frameworks without the trauma.  They have a new perspective, therefore making better choices.  Pellowah expands their consciousness, helping them to become more objective.

Many other forms of healing produce positive feelings that generally last two days to a week.  Pellowah provides a feeling of well being that seems to last and in fact it will get stronger as time goes by.  This is because the healing happens from the inside out.  The energy changes YOU and the “new you” becomes the normal.  To put it another way, Pellowah activates you so you generate or create the light from within.

Distant healing in this modality is available.

Healing sessions last approximately 45-60 minutes and begin with a brief discussion to hold a focus or intention.

Pellowah goes where needed, not necessarily to the place where we think it is needed.

Tips to get the most out of your Pellowah Healing Session:

  • Drink plenty of water, before and after;
  • Bring earplugs if particularly sensitive to noise
  • Come a few minutes early to give yourself a relaxing start;
  • Make sure you have a few minutes after the session, you may wish to enjoy the feeling of deep relaxation in a safe space;
  • If possible, try to avoid over stimulation through food and drink for a couple of hours before and after a session;
  • Have the intention to receive whatever your body and mind need during the session.

You are welcome to create your own personalised therapeutic and healing mini retreat. Please consider adding to your healing session a blend of one of our many advanced sauna programs or the mineral pool or both to create your own oasis and experience made by you just for you. The surroundings here are quiet, spacious and private offering a home away from home with a resort like feel.


Bookings via
Telephone: 0403 274 576
Please feel free to park in both driveway lanes and on the whole street frontage of the block before we encroach on our neighbours thank you.

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